

At the height of the Zombie Apocalypse, what's left of the Government recruits vampires to seek out and bring healthy survivors back to Safe Zone. Because who better to fight off the growing numbers of walking dead, than the undead?

Experience the Zombie Apocalypse from the point of view of a vampire in the unfamiliar role of savior to humanity.

I've been wanting to write this story for a while now, years really. I stated participating in NaNoWriMo back in 2010, and wanted to write it then, but didn't. I was going to try again the next year and even the next, but both times chickened out. THIS year, I'm doing it. If I don't "win" NaNo I don't win, but I am going to write this stupid thing if it kills me and I have claw my way out my own grave to finish!!

What you might want to know:
1. This is a story containing characters from an on-going comic project of mine. It's not a prequel exactly, but it kinda is. The Post-Apocalyptic world that my characters exist had to be post-something, so this is it. The Apocalypse. And it's zombies.

2. It's told (mostly) in a 1st person POV from the POV of a vampire. If you don't like vampires, don't read it.

3. The rules of the universe are mine. If you don't like them, don't read this.

4. I am sort of hoping to make this a trilogy, though it may never in book form exactly. So here, it will just be really long XD
assuming I get that far into the story

5. I'm not a writer, and this is NaNo, so editing is going to be barely there, or nonexistent.

6. Some day I may get bored with writing, and just use photos or art. Just sayin.

7. I will not be consistently updating. I have a lot of important hobbies and I don't have a lot of time. I'm hoping to keep up, but it depends on...stuff.

8. That's it! Hopefully this is kind of interesting, and doesn't bore people to tears! Enjoy! :D

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